Swords | |
Guardian Blade |
Atk: 76 Def: 5 MaxHP +300 MDEF +100 |
Shirasaya |
Atk: 98 Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water -20% Critical rate +5 |
Spiel |
Atk: 130 DEX +3 |
Claws | |
jack the scissor |
Atk: 283 |
Throwing | |
Cutamuscle II |
Atk: 297 Def: 10 |
Armor | |
Pao (Strengthened 1) |
Atk: 10 Def: 8 Evasion +2% AGI +6 |
Additional | |
Devil Feather (Strengthened 2) |
Atk: 9 Def: 16 STR +18 VIT +15 MDEF +18% Magic R +6% Melee Pierce +8% Critical rate +30 Autoskill |
Fencer Hachigane |
Atk: 10 Def: 1 [Swords] ATK +5% DEF +2% ASPD +10% |
Gorgeous Flower Crown (Strengthened 1) |
Atk: 10 Def: 10 Water R +7% Wind R +7% Earth R +7% Auto HP Recovery +40% Auto MP Recovery +40% MATK +12% INT +10 Cast Time -8% If [DEX > 300] then Skill Delay -1.5s |
Special | |
Coral Ring |
MDEF +50 MDEF +5% |
Collectibles | |
High-Grade Silk |
Ores | |
High Mythril |
Hihiirokane |
Iron |
Wrought Iron |