Fruit Granola

Fruit Granola [Strengthening]
VIT+10, MaxHP+10%, Auto HP recovery +50% for 10min.
Notes: Stats are somehow the same as Cornflakes.

Fruit Granola x1 [Strengthening]
Cooking Lv197
1: Orange x1
2: Apple x1
3: Milk x2
4: Unhulled Rice of Dawn x3
Success A: Fruit Granola x2
Success B: Fruit Granola x3

Fruit Granola x1 [Strengthening]
Cooking Lv197
1: Orange x1
2: Apple x1
3: Milk x2
4: Unhulled Rice of Dawn x3
Success A: Fruit Granola x2
Success B: Fruit Granola x3


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