Holy Wing

Heaven Griffin (Lv342)
Drop: Thick Beak, Sharp Talon, Holy Wing, ★Histaria
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Passive
Histaria the Maze of Miracle [1] - See Map

Heaven Griffin (Lv343)
Drop: Thick Beak, Sharp Talon, Holy Wing, ★Histaria
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Passive
Histaria the Maze of Miracle [2] - See Map

Heaven Griffin (Lv345)
Drop: Thick Beak, Sharp Talon, Holy Wing, ★Histaria
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Passive
Histaria the Maze of Miracle [3] - See Map

Gratia Helm (Strengthened 2) [Additional]
1: Gratia Helm (Strengthened 1) x1
2: Cracked Monocle x3
3: Holy Wing x10
4: Blue Metal Bit x20
Mioreita Castle

Nocros Shield (Strengthened 2) [Additional]
1: Nocros Shield (Strengthened 1) x1
2: Holy Wing x15
3: White Plume Hairpin x5
4: Blessed Platinum x6
Underground Bailune

Storm Bow Sturm II [Bows]
1: Storm Bow Sturm x1
2: Carinae's Claw x5
3: Holy Wing x30
4: Chicken Tail x15
Aqruf Town

★Histaria x1 [Teleport]
Alchemy Lv195
1: White Paper x1
2: Holy Wing x3
Success A: ★Histaria x2
Success B: ★Histaria x3

Chorus Staff x1 [Canes]
Carpentry Lv247
1: Sturdy Wood x15
2: Gale Shriek x3
3: Holy Wing x10
4: Tree Spirit x1


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