Stora Cave

Altern (Lv394)
Drop: Sage Dragon Bone, Old Earth Fragment, Stora Cave, Jade Luhi
Attr: Earth
Weak: Fire
Exp: 555,000
Game Board Cave [Depths] - See Map

Bow of Talent II [Bows]
1: Bow of Talent x1
2: Stora Cave x1
3: Wrought Iron x50
4: High Mythril x20
Rokoko City

Doggy Ears (Strengthened 3) [Additional]
1: Doggy Ears (Strengthened 2) x1
2: Stora Cave x1
3: Iolite x5
4: Cracked Amethyst x10
Rokoko City

Glacies II [Bows]
1: Glacies x1
2: Pop-in Seed x30
3: Debby's Feather x20
4: Stora Cave x1
Rokoko City

Leafy Sakura Staff [Canes]
1: Green Staff x1
2: Secret Source x15
3: Stora Cave x1
4: Watchman Comb x15
Rokoko City


RPG Games

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