A Queen of the Night [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 294
ATK&MATK+14%, Light R +5%, Hate rise +20%. Adds Hate rise -40%, Auto recovery +300 if Minstrel.
ATK +14% MATK +14% Light R +5% Hate Rise +20% [Minstrel] Hate Rise -40% Auto HP Recovery +300 Auto MP Recovery +300
Ace Dealer [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 53
ATK&MATK+7%, Hate rise -7% Critical rate&damage +7%
ATK +7% MATK +7% Hate Rise -7% Critical rate +7% Critical damage +7% Autoskill
Adler [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 241
ASPD+20% MaxHP-15% Critical rate +30, Fire element Triple damage chance
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire -20% ASPD +20% MaxHP -15% Critical rate +30 Autoskill
Adler II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 256 DEF: 3
Flame element, Critical rate +30 MaxHP-15%, Triple damage chance ASPD+30%, Small INT up by Lv
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Earth +20% ASPD +30% MaxHP -15% Critical rate +30 [X = 0.02 * Lv] [INT up by X] Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Adler +15, DEF = Adler +3, INT increase = Lv ÷ 50
Adler III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 288 DEF: 3
Flame element, Critical rate +30 MaxHP-10%, Triple damage chance ASPD+30%, Small INT up by Lv
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Earth +20% ASPD +30% MaxHP -10% Critical rate +30 [Y = 0.05 * Lv] [INT up by Y] Autoskill
Air Slicer [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 164
Critical rate +30, Wind element
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind -20% Critical rate +30
Air Slicer II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 174 DEF: 3
Melee+50, Skill delay -0.2sec Critical rate +30 Wind element
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind -20% Critical rate +30 Skill Delay -0.2s Melee +50
Notes: ATK = Air Slicer +5/+10 DEF = Air Slicer +3
Air Slicer III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 254 DEF: 3
Wind element, Critical rate +30 Small Critical damage up by AGI Melee+300, Skill delay -0.7sec
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind -20% Critical rate +30 Melee +300 Skill Delay -0.7s [X = AGI] [Y = 0.03 * X] [Critical damage up by Y]
Notes: ATK = Air Slicer II +80
Air Slicer IV [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 284 DEF: 3
Wind element, Critical rate +35 Small Critical damage up by AGI Melee+500, Skill delay -1sec
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind -20% Critical rate +35 Melee +500 Skill Delay -1.0s [X = AGI] [Y = 0.04 * X] [Critical damage up by Y]
Artemis [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 180
Critical damage +4%, Range+2, MATK+6% Cast time -10%, Twice attack chance Dark element
Melee to Light +20% Range +2 Critical damage +4% MATK +6% Cast Time -10% Autoskill
Artemis II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 197
MATK+7% Range+3, Critical damage +6% Cast time -10%, Dark element Twice attack chance
Melee to Light +20% Range +3 Critical damage +6% MATK +7% Cast Time -10% Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Artemis +15/+20?
Artemis III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 257
Dark element, Critical damage +9% Range+3 MATK+10%, Cast time -15% Twice attack chance
Melee to Light +20% Range +3 Critical damage +9% MATK +10% Cast Time -15% Autoskill [X = 0.01 * DEX] [Melee Pierce up by X] ATK +4% Melee +400
Notes: ATK = Artemis II +60 (hidden correction: Melee +400 Melee through +4% ATK +4%)
Artemis IV [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 298
Dark element, Critical damage +12% Range+3 MATK+12%, Cast time -20% Twice attack chance
Melee to Light +20% Range +3 Critical damage +12% MATK +12% Cast Time -20% Autoskill [X = 0.01 * DEX] [Melee Pierce up by X] ATK +5% Melee +500
Auroras Knife [Throwing]
ATK: 254 DEF: 2
絶対・魔法回避+6% ATK・MATK+7% 全ステータス+5 確率で3倍攻撃
Absolute Evasion +6% Magic Evasion +6% ATK +7% MATK +7% STR +5 AGI +5 VIT +5 INT +5 DEX +5 CRT +5 Autoskill If [Lv > 300] then Knock out +0%
Notes: Trade × Slot: 1
Auroras Knife II [Throwing]
ATK: 304 DEF: 2
絶対・魔法回避+7% ATK・MATK+9% スキルディレイ-0.5秒 全ステータス+7 確率で3倍攻撃
Absolute Evasion +7% Magic Evasion +7% ATK +9% MATK +9% Skill Delay -0.5s STR +7 AGI +7 VIT +7 INT +7 DEX +7 CRT +7 Autoskill If [Lv > 300] then Knock out +0%
Baselard [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 174
Absolute evasion +10%, Dark R +3% Critical rate +30, ASPD+10% Small MP recovery chance
Absolute Evasion +10% Critical rate +30 Dark R +3% MATK +3% ASPD +10% Autoskill
Baselardo [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 194 DEF: 2
Absolute evasion +12%, ASPD+20% Critical rate +30, Dark R +4% Small MP recovery chance
Absolute Evasion +12% Critical rate +30 Dark R +4% MATK +5% ASPD +20% Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Baselard +20
Beginner Dagger [Throwing]
ATK: 110
Accuracy+10, Skill delay -0.5sec INT&DEX+2, Cast time -10% Adds EXP gain +20% if Lv<50.
INT +2 DEX +2 Skill Delay -0.5s Accuracy +10 Cast Time -10% if [Lv < 50] then EXP +20%
Blooming Lure [Throwing]
ATK: 250
MaxHP+5000 Fire&Water&Wind&Earth magic+10% MATK+5% Range+1
MaxHP +5000 Fire Magic +10% Water Magic +10% Wind Magic +10% Earth Magic +10% MATK +5% Range +1
Boogala [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 270 DEF: 5
Critical rate +20, Hate rise -15% ASPD+30%, Critical damage +12% Triple damage chance
ASPD +30% Hate Rise -15% Critical rate +20 Critical damage +12% Autoskill
Boogala II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 293 DEF: 9
ASPD+30%, Hate rise -20% Crt rate +20, Crt damage +15% Triple damage chance
ASPD +30% Hate Rise -20% Critical rate +20 Critical damage +15% Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Boogala +23? DEF = Boogala +4?
Brute Blue [Throwing]
ATK: 287
MATK+13%, MATK up more by AGI Skill delay+1 sec, Cast time-30% Water magic+20% Movement speed+5%
MATK +13% [MATK up by AGI] Skill Delay +1.0s Cast Time -30% Water Magic +20% Movement Speed +5%
Calamity [Throwing]
ATK: 300
ATK+15%, Critical damage +15% Also, Critical damage +10%, KO time-10sec, and ATK+10% more for Assassins.
ATK +15% Critical damage +15% [Assassin] Critical damage +10% ATK +10%
Centelleo [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 274
Light element, MP cost -20% Melee+2% to Boss, Hate rise +50% Triple attack chance
Melee to Dark +20% MP Cost -20% Melee to boss +2% Hate Rise +50% Autoskill
Centelleo II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 294
Light element, MP cost -25% Melee+7% to Boss, Hate rise +50% 4x attack chance
Melee to Dark +20% MP Cost -25% Melee to boss +7% Hate Rise +50% Autoskill
Chakram [Throwing]
ATK: 150
MaxHP+500, Critical rate +30 Twice attack chance
MaxHP +500 Critical rate +30 Autoskill
Notes: Trade × Slot: 1
Chakram (Strengthened 1) [Throwing]
ATK: 160
MaxHP+750, Critical rate +30 Twice attack chance
MaxHP +750 Critical rate +30 Autoskill
Notes: Trade × Slot: 1 ATK = Circle Getsurin +10
Chakram (Strengthened 2) [Throwing]
ATK: 180
MaxHP+1000, Critical rate +30 Twice attack chance
MaxHP +1000 Critical rate +30 Autoskill
Notes: Trade × Slot: 1 ATK = Circle Getsurin (Strengthened 1) +20
Chakram (Strengthened 3) [Throwing]
ATK: 280
MaxHP+2500 全魔法威力+3% 全属性の物理+3% 回避+10% クリティカル率+30 確率で2回攻撃
MaxHP +2500 Neutral Magic +3% Fire Magic +3% Water Magic +3% Wind Magic +3% Earth Magic +3% Light Magic +3% Dark Magic +3% Melee to Neutral +3% Melee to Fire +3% Melee to Water +3% Melee to Wind +3% Melee to Earth +3% Melee to Light +3% Melee to Dark +3% Evasion +10% Critical rate +30 Autoskill Counter on Evasion +15%
Notes: Trade × Slot: 1 ATK = Circle Getsurin (Strengthened 2) +100
Coward Blade [Throwing]
ATK: 260
Halves attack interval, Crt rate-50% Melee&Magic R-20%, Fear time +20sec. Absolute accuracy -30% Fear on yourself by defense
Halves Attack Interval Melee R -20% Absolute Evasion -30% Critical rate -50% Magic R -20% Fear +20.0s Autoskill
Cutamuscle [Throwing]
ATK: 285 DEF: 10
Melee+25% to Earth, ATK+5%, Melee pierce+3%, Absolute evasion+10% Skill delay-1 sec, Magic evasion-5%, Melee pierce+5% if DEX>199.
Melee to Earth +25% ATK +5% Melee Pierce +3% Absolute Evasion +10% Skill Delay -1.0s Magic Evasion -5% If [DEX > 200] then Melee Pierce +5%
Cutting Hat [Throwing]
ATK: 234
Special Throwing, Critical up ATK and critical damage up by CRT Hate rise+30% Twice attack chance
Dark Roar [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 235
ATK+6%, Twice attack chance Counter on evasion +5% Dark element
Melee to Light +20% ATK +6% Counter on Evasion +5% Melee Pierce -10% Magic Pierce -10% Absolute Evasion -10% Magic Evasion -10% Autoskill
Deadly Abyss Blade [Throwing]
ATK: 244
ATK+24% MaxHP-30% Melee pierce+8% ATK rises as VIT lowers.
ATK +24% MaxHP -30% Melee Pierce +8% [X = Lv] [X = X - VIT] If [X > 444] then [X = 444] if [X < 1] then [X = 1] [ATK up by X]
Diamante [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 245
Small Melee pierce up by INT Skill delay -1sec, T. attack chance Absolute&Magic evasion +15%
[X = 0.04 * INT] [Melee Pierce up by X] Absolute Evasion +15% Magic Evasion +15% Skill Delay -1.0s Autoskill
Notes: Melee pierce 15% of INT418
Don Greed [Throwing]
ATK: 306 DEF: 8
ATK+28%, MP cost-18% Twice attack chance ATK+8% more if STR>399.
ATK +28% MP Cost -18% Autoskill If [STR > 400] then ATK +8%
Don Gridare [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 286 DEF: 8
ATK+23%, MP cost -15% Twice attack chance Add ATK+5% if STR>399.
ATK +23% MP Cost -15% Autoskill If [STR > 400] then ATK +5%
Dragon Roar [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 185 DEF: 5
Critical damage +6%, ASPD-10% Critical rate +30, MaxHP+20% Fire element
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire -20% ASPD -10% MaxHP +20% Critical damage +6% Critical rate +30
Dragon Roar II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 210 DEF: 5
Critical damage +8%, ASPD-10% Critical rate +30, MaxHP+25% Fire element
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire -20% ASPD -10% MaxHP +25% Critical damage +8% Critical rate +30
Notes: ATK = Dragon Roar +25
Dragon Roar III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 256 DEF: 5
MaxHP+30% CRT+6 ASPD-10% Critical rate +30, Fire element Critical damage +10%
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire -20% CRT +6 ASPD -10% MaxHP +30% Critical rate +30 Critical damage +10%
Notes: ATK = Dragon Lore II +46
Dragon Roar IV [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 286 DEF: 5
Flame element, Critical rate +35 CRT+12 ASPD-10% MaxHP+30% Critical damage +15% Counter on evasion +5%
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire +10% CRT +12 ASPD -10% MaxHP +30% Critical rate +35 Critical damage +15% Counter on Evasion +5%
Eclipse [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 210
Twice attack chance, MATK+8% MaxMP up by Lv Light element
Melee to Dark +20% Autoskill MATK +8% [MaxMP up by Lv] Critical damage +1%
Enround [Throwing]
ATK: 204
Critical rate+30% Critical damage+35% Small ATK up by STR&DEX MP Cost+50%
Critical rate +30% Critical damage +35% MP Cost +50% [X = STR] [X = X + DEX] [X = X / 2] [ATK up by X]
Eventail [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 177
Melee+20% to Neutral, Cast time -50% Twice attack chance
Melee to Neutral +20% Autoskill Cast Time -50%
Eventail II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 237
Melee+25% to Neutral, Cast time -50% Small counter chance up by AGI Twice attack chance
Melee to Neutral +25% Cast Time -50% [X = 0.02 * AGI] [Counter on Evasion up by X] Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Eventail +60
Eventail III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 297
Melee+30% to Neutral, Cast time -50% Magic eva +5%, Twice attack chance Small counter chance up by AGI
Melee to Neutral +30% Cast Time -50% [X = 0.04 * AGI] [Counter on Evasion up by X] Magic Evasion +5% Autoskill
Fake Craft [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 194 DEF: 2
Critical damage +8%, MATK+8% Item delay -0.5sec Twice attack chance
Critical damage +8% MATK +8% Item Delay -0.5s Autoskill
Fake Craft II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 224 DEF: 2
Critical damage +10%, MATK+8% Item delay -1sec Twice attack chance
Critical damage +10% MATK +8% Item Delay -1.0s Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Fake craft +30
Fake Craft III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 274 DEF: 5
Critical damage +13%, MATK+10% Item delay -1.2sec, VIT+5 MDEF+6% Twice attack chance
Critical damage +13% MATK +10% Item Delay -1.2s VIT +5 MDEF +6% Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Fake Craft II +50, DEF = Fake Craft II +3
Fake Craft IV [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 294 DEF: 5
Critical damage +17%, MATK+14% Item delay -1.5sec, VIT+10 MDEF+9% Twice attack chance
Critical damage +17% MATK +14% Item Delay -1.5s VIT +10 MDEF +9% Autoskill
Fallen God's Chakram [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 315
Dark element, MaxHP&MP-5%, ATK&MATK+8%,Critical damage +10% With Fallen God's Armor...
Melee to Light +20% MaxHP -5% MaxMP -5% ATK +8% MATK +8% Critical damage +10% [Fallen God's Armor] MaxHP +10% MaxMP +10% ATK +4% MATK +4% Critical damage +8% Light Magic -90% Melee to Dark -90%
Notes: When equipped with Devil's armor, MaxHP&MP + 10% ATK · MATK + 4% Critical Damage + 8%
Flabellum II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 159
INT+4 Accuracy+30 Twice attack chance
INT +4 Accuracy +30 Autoskill MaxHP +10%
Notes: ATK = Flabellum +5
Flabellum III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 189
INT+5 Accuracy+60 MaxHP+20% Twice attack chance
INT +5 Accuracy +60 Autoskill MaxHP +20%
Notes: ATK = Flabellum II +30
Flabellum IV [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 285
INT+11 ATK+4% Accuracy+60 MaxHP+23% Absolute evasion +5%, Ailment R +14% Twice attack chance
INT +11 ATK +4% Accuracy +60 MaxHP +23% Absolute Evasion +5% Ailment R +14% Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Flabellum III +96?
Fragarach [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 170
ATK+5% MATK+5% Evasion+5% Critical rate +30, MaxMP+12%
ATK +5% MATK +5% Evasion +5% Critical rate +30 MaxMP +12%
Notes: From: Super Party Coin Lottery Sale Price: 10,000 Not Tradeable
Fragarach II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 234
ATK&MATK+6% Evasion+10% MaxMP+18% Critical rate +30
ATK +6% MATK +6% Evasion +10% Critical rate +30 MaxMP +18%
Notes: From: Ultra Party Coin Lottery Sale Price: 10,000 Not Tradeable
Fragarach III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 244
ATK&MATK+9% Evasion+12% MaxMP+20% Critical rate +30
ATK +9% MATK +9% Evasion +12% Critical rate +30 MaxMP +20%
Notes: Trade × ATK = Furagarahha II +10
Fragarach IV [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 284
ATK・MATK+14% 回避+15% クリティカル率+30 MaxMP+30% フューネヴィンデSLv+1
ATK +14% MATK +14% Evasion +15% Critical rate +30 MaxMP +30%
Freesia Caim [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 260
ATK&MATK+7%, Magic evasion +5% Melee+20% to Fire, -20% to Water ASPD-20%, Magic counter chance
ATK +7% MATK +7% ASPD -20% Magic Evasion +5% Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water -20% Autoskill
Freesia Caim II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 280
ATK&MATK+9%, Magic evasion +7% Melee+22% to Fire, -22% to Water ASPD-30%, Magic counter chance
ATK +9% MATK +9% ASPD -30% Magic Evasion +7% Melee to Fire +22% Melee to Water -22% Autoskill
Notes: Upgrade Freesia Caim by equiping it and using Freesia Bead. Freesia Bead can be bought from the Kijimu at the Xmas Event Venue for 60 Snow Tear Crystal
Fuma Shuriken [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 162 DEF: 3
MATK+5%, Skill delay -0.5sec Critical rate +30
MATK +5% Skill Delay -0.5s Critical rate +30
Fuma Shuriken II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 172 DEF: 3
MATK+6%, Skill delay -0.5sec Critical rate +30, Cast time -10% Fire&Wind magic +2%
MATK +6% Skill Delay -0.5s Critical rate +30 Cast Time -10% Fire Magic +2% Wind Magic +2%
Notes: ATK = Fuma Shuriken +10
Fuma Shuriken III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 242 DEF: 3
MATK+9%, Skill delay -1sec Critical rate +30, Cast time -10% Fire&Wind magic +4%
MATK +9% Skill Delay -1.0s Critical rate +30 Cast Time -10% Fire Magic +4% Wind Magic +4%
Notes: ATK = Fuma Shuriken II +70
Fuma Shuriken IV [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 292 DEF: 3
MATK+12%, Skill delay -1.3sec Critical rate +30, Cast time -15% Fire&Wind magic +10%
MATK +12% Skill Delay -1.3s Critical rate +30 Cast Time -15% Fire Magic +10% Wind Magic +10%
Garabestea [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 214 DEF: 3
Twice attack chance, Critical up Absolute evasion +6%, Hate rise -20% Small ATK up by STR
Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10% Absolute Evasion +6% Hate Rise -20% Autoskill [X = 0.15 * STR] [ATK up by X]
Garabestea II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 254 DEF: 3
Twice attack chance, Critical up Absolute evasion +7%, Hate rise -25% Small ATK up by STR
Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10% Absolute Evasion +7% Hate Rise -25% Autoskill [X = 0.25 * STR] [ATK up by X]
Notes: ATK = Garabestea +40, 1 ATK for every 4 STR
Garabestea III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 274 DEF: 5
A. evasion +9%, Melee+10% to Light Small ATK up by STR, Hate rise -28% Twice attack chance, Crt up
Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10% Absolute Evasion +9% Hate Rise -28% Melee to Light +10% Autoskill [X = 0.30 * STR] [ATK up by X]
Notes: ATK = Garabestea II +20, DEF = Garabestea II +2, 1 ATK for every 4 STR
Gift Box (Throwing) [Throwing]
ATK: 1
Absolute&Magic evasion +3%, AGI+5 During Xmas, weapon ATK up by 50% of Lv.
Absolute Evasion +3% Magic Evasion +3% AGI +5 Autoskill [Xmas] [X = 0.50 * Lv] [Weapon up by X]
Notes: Trade ×
Gift Giver [Throwing]
ATK: 64
Critical rate up by 50% of Lv Twice attack chance
[X = Lv] [X = X / 2] [Critical rate up by X] Autoskill
Notes: Trade × Slot: 2
Hard Baselardo [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 261 DEF: 2
Melee pierce +14%, Critical rate +30 Absolute evasion +14%, ATK+9% ASPD+20%, Dark R +7%
ATK +9% Absolute Evasion +14% Critical rate +30 Melee Pierce +14% Dark R +7% ASPD +20% Autoskill MATK +7%
Notes: ATK = Hard Baselard +67/+72?
Higiri [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 267
ATK+10%, A. evasion +10%, Fire el. Adds Melee&Magic pierce +10% if DEX>299, Magic attack chance.
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire -20% ATK +10% Absolute Evasion +10% If [DEX > 300] then Melee Pierce +10% Magic Pierce +10% Autoskill
Hunter Knife [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 195
AGI+4 Evasion+14%, Critical rate +30
AGI +4 Evasion +14% Critical rate +30
Notes: ATK = Throwing Knife+ +50
Hyperion [Throwing]
ATK: 235
Melee+22% to Neutral, ATK up by Lv Critical rate+30 Melee+10% to boss if Special is not equipped.
Melee to Neutral +22% Critical rate +30 [ATK up by Lv] [Unknown] Melee to boss +10%
Jade Luhi [Throwing]
ATK: 290 DEF: 5
Wind magic +20%, MaxHP&MP+10% MATK+15% ASPD-10%, MP cost -10% Critical rate +30
Wind Magic +20% MaxHP +10% MaxMP +10% MATK +15% MP Cost -10% ASPD -10% Critical rate +30
Jaeger Knife [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 275
AGI+8 Evasion+20%, Critical rate +30 Critical damage +10% Absolute evasion +4%
AGI +8 Evasion +20% Critical rate +30 Critical damage +10% Absolute Evasion +4%
Notes: ATK = Hunter Knife +80?
Jagged Shuriken [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 189
Critical rate +30, Hate rise -10% MATK+4% Critical damage +4% Water element
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water -20% Hate Rise -10% Critical rate +30 MATK +4% Critical damage +4% [Assassin] [Ninja] [Melee up by Lv]
Jagged Shuriken II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 219
Hate rise -15%, Critical rate +30 MATK+6%, Critical damage +5% Water element
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water -20% Hate Rise -15% Critical rate +30 MATK +6% Critical damage +5% [Assassin] [Ninja] [X = Lv] [X = X / 2] [X = X + Lv] [Melee up by X]
Notes: ATK = Jagged Shuriken +30
Jagged Shuriken III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 259
Critical rate +30, Item delay -1sec Critical damage +8%, MATK+9% Water element, Hate rise -20%
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water -20% Hate Rise -20% Critical rate +30 MATK +9% Critical damage +8% Item Delay -1.0s [Assassin] [Ninja] [X = Lv] [X = X / 2] [X = X + Lv] [Melee up by X]
Notes: ATK = Jagged Shuriken II +?
Jagged Shuriken IV [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 299
Critical rate +30, Item delay -1 sec Critical damage +15%, MATK+15% Ice element, Hate rise -20% Silent Killing+10%
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +10% Hate Rise -20% Critical rate +30 MATK +15% Critical damage +15% Item Delay -1.0s [Assassin] [Ninja] [X = Lv] [X = X · 3] [Melee up by X]
Jupiter [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 205
MaxHP+25% MATK+5%, Critical R +30 Magic attack chance by attack Wind element
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind -20% MATK +5% Critical rate +30 MaxHP +25% Autoskill
Kagekiri [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 302
Critical damage +17% if Assassin. ATK+15%, MP cost -10% Hate rise -30%
ATK +15% MP Cost -10% Hate Rise -30% [Assassin] Critical damage +17%
Koka Sanpou [Throwing]
ATK: 262
ATK+15% MaxHP-20% Critical UP, Skill delay-1 sec Dance of Clones+20%
ATK +15% MaxHP -20% Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10% Skill Delay -1.0s
Kunai [Throwing]
ATK: 184
Melee+10% to Neutral Absolute evasion +2%, 3% more if Lv>199.
Critical rate +15 Melee to Neutral +10% Evasion +50 Absolute Evasion +2% If [Lv > 200] then Absolute Evasion +3% [Ninja] Absolute Evasion +5%
Lime Dew [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 175
Critical rate +15, Evasion+10% Ailment R +30% When you defend...
Critical rate +15 Evasion +10% Ailment R +30% Autoskill
Notes: From: Raid Ticket Lv.3
Lime Star [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 220
ATK&MATK+3% Evasion+20% Critical rate +30, Ailment R +30% When you defend...
ATK +3% MATK +3% Critical rate +30 Evasion +20% Ailment R +30% Cast Time -15% Autoskill
Notes: From: Strengthening of Lime Dew
Lime Tear [Throwing]
ATK: 250
ATK&MATK+6%, Critical rate +30 Autoskill+3%, Ailment R +30% Evasion+25%, When you defend...
ATK +6% MATK +6% Critical rate +30 Evasion +25% Ailment R +30% Autoskill +3% Cast Time -20% Autoskill
limefall [Throwing]
ATK: 280
ATK・MATK+15% クリティカル率+30 回避+50% 異常耐性+50% オートスキル発動+8% 防御時、確率で…
ATK +15% MATK +15% Critical rate +30 Evasion +50% Ailment R +50% Autoskill +8% Cast Time -20% Autoskill
Lucani Tuela [Throwing]
ATK: 275
ATK&MATK-8% Melee+200 Autoskill+5% Critical up, Melee pierce +18% Additional attack chance
ATK -8% MATK -8% Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10% Melee Pierce +18% Melee +200 Autoskill +5% Autoskill Melee R -15% Magic R -15% Absolute Evasion -30% Magic Evasion -30% [Assassin] [X = 0.25 * DEX] [ATK up by X]
Notes: ATK = Lucanivent +25?
Lucanirafal [Throwing]
ATK: 305
ATK&MATK-7% Melee+300, Critical up Melee pierce +22%, Autoskill+8% Additional attack chance
ATK -7% MATK -7% Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10% Melee Pierce +22% Melee +300 Autoskill +8% Autoskill Melee R -15% Magic R -15% Absolute Evasion -30% Magic Evasion -30% [Assassin] [X = 0.30 * DEX] [ATK up by X]
Lucanivent [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 250
ATK&MATK-9%, Critical up, Melee+100 Additional attack chance by attack Melee pierce +10%
ATK -9% MATK -9% Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10% Melee Pierce +10% Melee +100 Autoskill Melee R -15% Magic R -15% Absolute Evasion -30% Magic Evasion -30%
Luke Raider [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 183
Special Throwing, Skill delay -1sec Critical damage +6%, Hate rise +20% Small A. evasion up by AGI
Critical damage +6% Skill Delay -1.0s Hate Rise +20% [X = 0.05 * AGI] If [X > 15] then [X = 15] [Absolute Evasion up by X]
Luke Raider II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 268
Special Throwing, Skill delay -1sec C. dmg +10%, H. rise +20%, MaxHP+13% Small A. evasion up by AGI
Critical damage +10% Skill Delay -1.0s Hate Rise +20% MaxHP +13% [X = 0.05 * AGI] If [X > 15] then [X = 15] [Absolute Evasion up by X]
Notes: ATK = Luke Raider +85?
Luna Eclipse [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 285
Light element, MATK+15%, Skill delay -1sec, Triple attack chance MaxMP up by Lv, Ailment R +10%
Melee to Dark +20% MATK +15% [MaxMP up by Lv] Ailment R +10% Skill Delay -1.0s Autoskill Critical damage +5%
Mio Filio [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 264
ATK+6%, Melee pierce +6% Critical damage +5%, MaxMP up by Lv Earth element
Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth -20% ATK +6% Melee Pierce +6% Critical damage +5% [MaxMP up by Lv] Skill Delay -0.5s
Mio Filio II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 290
ATK+8%, Melee pierce +8% Critical damage +8%, MaxMP up by Lv Earth element
Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth -20% ATK +8% Melee Pierce +8% Critical damage +8% [MaxMP up by Lv] Skill Delay -0.8s
Notes: ATK = Mi Ofirio +26?
Mirror Throw FAG [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 275
Small AGI up by Lv, Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic eva +10% ATK&MATK+10%, Flame element
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire +10% ATK +10% MATK +10% Absolute Evasion +10% Magic Evasion +10% Autoskill +5% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [AGI up by X]
Mirror Throw FLF [Throwing]
ATK: 275 DEF: 5
Flame element, ATK+10% MATK+10% MaxHP&MP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire +10% ATK +10% MATK +10% MaxHP +15% MaxMP +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [VIT up by X]
Mirror Throw FMA [Throwing]
ATK: 275
Flame element, MATK+15% Small INT up by Lv Magic up by Lv
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire +10% MATK +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [INT up by X] [Y = 4.00 * Lv] [Magic Power up by Y]
Mirror Throw FST [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 295
Flame element, ATK+15% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire +10% ATK +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [STR up by X] [Melee up by Lv]
Mirror Throw GAG [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 275
Small AGI up by Lv, Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic eva +10% ATK&MATK+10%, Gaia element
Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth +10% ATK +10% MATK +10% Absolute Evasion +10% Magic Evasion +10% Autoskill +5% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [AGI up by X]
Mirror Throw GLF [Throwing]
ATK: 275 DEF: 5
Gaia element, ATK+10% MATK+10% MaxHP&MP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth +10% ATK +10% MATK +10% MaxHP +15% MaxMP +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [VIT up by X]
Mirror Throw GMA [Throwing]
ATK: 275
Gaia element, MATK+15% Small INT up by Lv Magic up by Lv
Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth +10% MATK +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [INT up by X] [Y = 4.00 * Lv] [Magic Power up by Y]
Mirror Throw GST [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 295
Gaia element, ATK+15% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth +10% ATK +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [STR up by X] [Melee up by Lv]
Mirror Throw IAG [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 275
Small AGI up by Lv, Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic eva +10% ATK&MATK+10%, Ice element
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +10% ATK +10% MATK +10% Absolute Evasion +10% Magic Evasion +10% Autoskill +5% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [AGI up by X]
Mirror Throw ILF [Throwing]
ATK: 275 DEF: 5
Ice element, ATK+10% MATK+10% MaxHP&MP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +10% ATK +10% MATK +10% MaxHP +15% MaxMP +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [VIT up by X]
Mirror Throw IMA [Throwing]
ATK: 275
Ice element, MATK+15% Small INT up by Lv Magic up by Lv
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +10% MATK +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [INT up by X] [Y = 4.00 * Lv] [Magic Power up by Y]
Mirror Throw IST [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 295
Ice element, ATK+15% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +10% ATK +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [STR up by X] [Melee up by Lv]
Mirror Throw SCR [Throwing]
ATK: 275
Special Throwing, ATK&MATK+10% Critical up, Spell burst +3%
ATK +10% MATK +10% Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10% Spellburst +3%
Mirror Throw SPI [Throwing]
ATK: 275
Special Throwing, ATK&MATK+10% STR&DEX+10, Melee&Magic pierce +10%
ATK +10% MATK +10% STR +10 DEX +10 Melee Pierce +10% Magic Pierce +10%
Mirror Throw SRE [Throwing]
ATK: 275 DEF: 10
Special Throwing, ATK&MATK+10% Melee&Magic R +10%, Rate cut +10%
ATK +10% MATK +10% Melee R +10% Magic R +10% Rate cut +10%
Mirror Throw SSP [Throwing]
ATK: 275
Special Throwing, ATK&MATK+10% Delay-1sec, Cast time -15% Small DEX up by Lv
ATK +10% MATK +10% Skill Delay -1.0s Item Delay -1.0s Cast Time -15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [DEX up by X]
Mirror Throw TAG [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 275
Small AGI up by Lv, Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic eva +10% ATK&MATK+10%, Thunder element
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind +10% ATK +10% MATK +10% Absolute Evasion +10% Magic Evasion +10% Autoskill +5% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [AGI up by X]
Mirror Throw TLF [Throwing]
ATK: 275 DEF: 5
Thunder element, ATK+10% MATK+10% MaxHP&MP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind +10% ATK +10% MATK +10% MaxHP +15% MaxMP +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [VIT up by X]
Mirror Throw TMA [Throwing]
ATK: 275
Thunder element, MATK+15% Small INT up by Lv Magic up by Lv
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind +10% MATK +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [INT up by X] [Y = 4.00 * Lv] [Magic Power up by Y]
Mirror Throw TST [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 295
Thunder element, ATK+15% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind +10% ATK +15% [X = 0.05 * Lv] [STR up by X] [Melee up by Lv]
Nirin Higiri [Throwing]
ATK: 298
Flame element, Autoskill+5% ATK+16% Absolute evasion +11% Magic attack chance Adds Melee&Magic pierce +12% if DEX>299.
Melee to Earth +20% Melee to Fire +10% ATK +16% Absolute Evasion +11% Autoskill +5% Autoskill If [DEX > 300] then Melee Pierce +12% Magic Pierce +12%
obi moon blade [Throwing]
ATK: 245 DEF: 1
地魔法威力+8% MATK+4% VIT+15 魔法貫通+5% 詠唱時間-30% 防御時、確率で魔法反撃
Earth Magic +8% MATK +4% VIT +15 Magic Pierce +5% Cast Time -30% Autoskill
Ocean Comet [Throwing]
ATK: 100 DEF: 10
Water element, Water R+30% Water magic+20%
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water -20% Water R +30% Water Magic +20%
Orion Knife [Throwing]
ATK: 303
AGI+24, Evasion+35%, Critical rate+30, Critical damage+25% Absolute evasion+8% Melee damage+3% to Boss
AGI +24 Evasion +35% Critical rate +30 Critical damage +25% Absolute Evasion +8% Melee to boss +3%
Owlmel [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 32 DEF: 5
MaxHP+500 Evasion+1% Melee&Magic R +1%
MaxHP +500 Melee R +1% Magic R +1% Evasion +1%
PM Grenade [Throwing]
ATK: 265
ATK+25%, Melee+2% to Boss Added range melee attack by attack
ATK +25% Melee to boss +2% Autoskill
Prescience [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 228
Magic evasion +7%, Melee up by Lv. ATK+6%, Twice attack chance Dark element
Melee to Light +20% ATK +6% [X = Lv] [X = X · 2] [Melee up by X] Magic Evasion +7% Autoskill
Prescience II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 248
Magic evasion +8%, Melee up by Lv ATK+8%, Triple damage chance Dark element
Melee to Light +20% ATK +8% [X = 2.50 * Lv] [Melee up by X] Magic Evasion +8% Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Prescience +20
Prescience III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 288
Magic evasion +12%, Melee up by Lv ATK+12%, Triple damage chance Melee pierce +5%, Dark element
Melee to Light +20% ATK +12% [X = 3.00 * Lv] [Melee up by X] Magic Evasion +12% Melee Pierce +5% Autoskill
Notes: ATK = Prescience II +40
Private Throw [Throwing]
ATK: 280
Range+1 Evasion+15%, MP cost -15% Skill delay -1sec, Ailment R +20% Movement speed +5% Damage cut if HP is 25% or lower.
Range +1 MP Cost -15% Evasion +15% Skill Delay -1.0s Ailment R +20% Movement Speed +5% Autoskill
Pumpkin Bomb [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 15
CRT+1, Critical rate +30 ATK up based on Lv
CRT +1 Critical rate +30 [X = Lv] [X = X / 2] [ATK up by X] Autoskill
Notes: Trade ×
Pumpkin Cross [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 31 DEF: 10
ATK+2%, Hate rise -10% During Halloween, halves attack intervals.
ATK +2% Hate Rise -10% [Halloween] Halves Attack Interval
Raiju Jiulong 100 [Throwing]
ATK: 270
Special throwing, Thunder element ATK+7%, Paralysis activation +2% MP cost -20%, Hate rise +20% ATK up based on MaxHP
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind +10% ATK +7% Paralysis +2% MP Cost -20% Hate Rise +20% [Y = 0.01 * VIT * 100] If [Y > 500] then [Y = 500] [Mystery]
Raiju Jiulong 200 [Throwing]
ATK: 290
Special Throwing, Thunder element ATK+19%, Paralysis+2%, MP cost -25% Hate rise +25% ATK up with higher MaxHP.
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind +10% ATK +19% Paralysis +2% MP Cost -25% Hate Rise +25% [Y = 0.01 * VIT * 100] If [Y > 500] then [Y = 500] [Mystery]
Red Wind [Throwing]
ATK: 275 DEF: 3
ATK+7%, All stats +5, Evasion+20% Adds ATK+12% if AGI>299.
ATK +7% STR +5 AGI +5 VIT +5 INT +5 DEX +5 CRT +5 Evasion +20% If [AGI > 300] then ATK +12%
Red Wind II [Throwing]
ATK: 295 DEF: 3
ATK+12%, All stats+10, Evasion+20% Adds ATK+18% if AGI>399
ATK +12% STR +10 AGI +10 VIT +10 INT +10 DEX +10 CRT +10 Evasion +20% If [AGI > 400] then ATK +18%
Rogue Knife [Throwing]
ATK: 300
ATK&MATK+14%, Magic evasion +10% Poison time +5sec Poison effect +20%
ATK +14% MATK +14% Magic Evasion +10% Poison +5.0s Poison dmg +20%
San Franciska [Throwing]
ATK: 230
ASPD+30% Hate rise-25% Critical damage+22% Absolute evasion+5%
ASPD +30% Hate Rise -25% Critical damage +22% Absolute Evasion +5%
Sauro Aster G2 [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 247 DEF: 2
ATK+5% MATK+13%, Skill delay -0.5sec Cast time -10%, Absolute evasion +5%
ATK +5% MATK +13% Skill Delay -0.5s Cast Time -10% Absolute Evasion +5%
Notes: Trade X
Sauro Aster G3 [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 252 DEF: 2
ATK+7% MATK+14%, Skill delay -0.7sec Cast time -14%, Absolute evasion +6% Light R +5%
ATK +7% MATK +14% Skill Delay -0.7s Cast Time -14% Absolute Evasion +6% Light R +5%
Notes: Trade X
Sauro Aster G4 [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 257 DEF: 2
ATK+10% MATK+15%, Skill delay -1sec Cast time -15%, Absolute evasion +7% Light R +5%
ATK +10% MATK +15% Skill Delay -1.0s Cast Time -15% Absolute Evasion +7% Light R +5%
Notes: Trade X, Obtained from Sauro Golden Raid 400, Requires Sauro Weapon G3
Sauro Aster L2 [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 242 DEF: 2
MATK+10% INT&CRT+5 ASPD+30% Twice attack chance All elements
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% INT +5 CRT +5 ASPD +30% Autoskill MATK +10%
Notes: Trade ×
Sauro Aster L3 [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 263 DEF: 2
Skill delay -0.5sec, All elements MATK+15% INT&CRT+8 ASPD+30% Twice attack chance
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% MATK +15% Skill Delay -0.5s INT +8 CRT +8 ASPD +30% Autoskill [X = 0.02 * CRT] [Critical damage up by X]
Notes: Trade ×
Sauro Aster L4 [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 303 DEF: 2
All elements, MATK+17% INT&CRT+10 Skill delay -0.7sec, ASPD+40% Triple attack chance
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% MATK +17% Skill Delay -0.7s INT +10 CRT +10 ASPD +40% Autoskill Melee R +5% Magic R +5% [X = 0.03 * CRT] [Critical damage up by X]
Sauro Aster L5 [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 314 DEF: 2
All elements, MATK+20% INT&CRT+10 Skill delay -1.5sec, ASPD+50% Triple attack chance
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% MATK +20% Skill Delay -1.5s INT +10 CRT +10 ASPD +50% Autoskill Melee R +5% Magic R +5% [X = 0.03 * CRT] [Critical damage up by X]
Savin Throw [Throwing]
ATK: 290
万能属性 ATK・MATK+11% スキルディレイ-1秒 アニバーサリーの闘技場に居るボスに物理と 魔法のダメージ+20%
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% ATK +11% MATK +11% Skill Delay -1.0s [X = X / 100] Melee to boss +20% Magic to boss +20%
savin throw kai [Throwing]
ATK: 300
万能属性 ATK・MATK+12% スキルディレイ-2秒 アニバーサリーの闘技場に居るボスに物理と 魔法のダメージ+25%
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% ATK +12% MATK +12% Skill Delay -2.0s [X = X / 100] Melee to boss +25% Magic to boss +25%
Seabeast Twin Irons [Throwing]
ATK: 280 DEF: 10
Melee+20% to Water&Earth All stats +5, Critical damage +10% Twice attack chance ATK+5% if STR>399. Skill delay -1sec, Paralysis activation +2% if INT>399.
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Earth +20% Autoskill STR +5 AGI +5 VIT +5 INT +5 DEX +5 CRT +5 Critical damage +10% If [STR > 400] then ATK +5% If [INT > 400] then Skill Delay -1.0s Paralysis +2%
Slow Gear [Throwing]
ATK: 270
ATK&MATK +12% MaxHP-20% Recoil+3% ATK rises as VIT lowers.
ATK +12% MATK +12% MaxHP -20% Recoil +3% [X = Lv] [X = X - VIT] If [X > 400] then [X = 400] if [X < 1] then [X = 1] [ATK up by X]
Slow Gear II [Throwing]
ATK: 290
ATK&MATK+17% MaxHP-20%, Recoil+3% ATK up with lower VIT.
ATK +17% MATK +17% MaxHP -20% Recoil +3% [X = Lv] [X = X - VIT] If [X > 400] then [X = 400] if [X < 1] then [X = 1] [ATK up by X]
Snow Throwing Axe [Throwing]
ATK: 280
Ice element, ATK+16% Freeze activation +10% Magic R +10%
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +10% Magic R +10% Freeze +10% ATK +16%
Snow Throwing Axe II [Throwing]
ATK: 293
Ice element, ATK+18%, Magic R+13% Freeze activation+10%, Fire R+8% Delay-1sec, Range+1
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +10% ATK +18% Freeze +10% Magic R +13% Range +1 Skill Delay -1.0s Item Delay -1.0s Fire R +8%
Stavros [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 288
INT+8 MaxMP+10%, Skill delay -1.2sec -50% damage to Light, Melee+25% to Dark. Evasion rate up chance
Melee to Light -50% Melee to Dark +25% INT +8 MaxMP +10% Skill Delay -1.2s Autoskill Light Magic +25% Dark Magic -50%
Throw Kukri [Throwing]
ATK: 252
ATK+9%, AGI+20, Critical up Hate rise-35%, Absolute evasion-5% Magic evasion+8% Paralyze+3%, Freeze+3%
ATK +9% AGI +20 Critical rate +15 Critical damage +15% Hate Rise -35% Absolute Evasion -5% Magic Evasion +8% Paralysis +3% Freeze +3%
Throw Kukri II [Throwing]
ATK: 290
ATK+13% AGI+30 Critical up Hate rise-35% Absolute evasion-3% Magic evasion+9% Paralyze+3% Freeze+3%
ATK +13% AGI +30 Critical rate +18 Critical damage +18% Hate Rise -35% Absolute Evasion -3% Magic Evasion +9% Paralysis +3% Freeze +3%
Throwing Knife+ [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 145
AGI+2 Evasion+12%, Critical rate +30
AGI +2 Evasion +12% Critical rate +30
Notes: ATK = Throwing Knife +5
Tri Velos [Throwing]
ATK: 263
ATK+17% Autoskill+7% AGI+17 Melee up by 3x AGI Triple attack chance
ATK +17% AGI +17 Autoskill +7% [X = AGI] [X = X · 3] [Melee up by X] Autoskill
Tri Velos II [Throwing]
ATK: 298
ATK+19%, Autoskill+9%, AGI+26 Melee up by 4x AGI, MaxHP up by Lv Triple attack chance
ATK +19% Autoskill +9% AGI +26 [X = AGI] [X = X · 4] [Melee up by X] [MaxHP up by Lv] Autoskill
Tribe Axe [Throwing]
ATK: 278
Melee+23% to Wind, ATK+10% Fire R -20%, Evasion+10%
Melee to Wind +23% ATK +10% Fire R -20% Evasion +10%
Tribe Axe II [Throwing]
ATK: 310
Melee+30% to Wind, ATK+12% Fire R-20%, Evasion+14% Absolute accuracy+8%
Melee to Wind +30% ATK +12% Fire R -20% Evasion +14% Absolute Evasion +8%
Tysrary [Throwing]
ATK: 235 DEF: 10
Sp. Throwing, MaxHP+15%, H rise +15% Small Mel&Magic R up by MaxHP H. reward+5%, Twice atk chance
MaxHP +15% Hate Rise +15% [Y = MaxHP] [Y = Y · 2] [Y = Y / 10000] [Paladin] [Y = Y / 4] If [Y > 15] then [Y = 15] if [Y < 1] then [Y = 1] [Melee R up by Y] [Magic R up by Y] Heal Reward +5% Autoskill Melee to Neutral +10%
Notes: Obtain from quest "More Product" in Maios
Uroboros [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 262
ATK+8%, MP cost -20% MATK+10%, Skill delay -1sec Melee+20% to Dark&Light
Melee to Dark +20% Melee to Light +20% ATK +8% MATK +10% MP Cost -20% Skill Delay -1.0s Absolute Evasion -15% Magic Evasion -15%
Uroboros II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 311
ATK+11%, MP cost -22%, All stats +7 MATK+14%, Skill delay -1.3sec Melee+22% to Dark&Light Counter on evasion +10%
Melee to Dark +22% Melee to Light +22% STR +7 VIT +7 INT +7 AGI +7 DEX +7 CRT +7 ATK +11% MATK +14% MP Cost -22% Skill Delay -1.3s Counter on Evasion +10% Absolute Evasion -15% Magic Evasion -15%
Whirlwind [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 245
Wind element, AGI+10 ATK+6% Twice attack chance Critical damage up by INT
Melee to Water +20% Melee to Wind -20% AGI +10 ATK +6% [X = 0.03 * INT] [Critical damage up by X] Autoskill Melee R -10%
Notes: Critical damage +15% in the INT400
Wicktrace [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 200
Melee pierce +2%, Magic evasion +10% Additional attack chance by attack Critical rate +30, 4 Elements
Melee to Fire +15% Melee to Water +15% Melee to Wind +15% Melee to Earth +15% Critical rate +30 Magic Evasion +10% Autoskill Evasion +10% Melee Pierce +2%
Wicktrace II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 245
Melee pierce +4%, Magic evasion +13% Additional attack chance by attack Critical rate +30, 4 Elements
Melee to Fire +17% Melee to Water +17% Melee to Wind +17% Melee to Earth +17% Melee Pierce +4% Critical rate +30 Magic Evasion +13% Autoskill Evasion +10% All damage R -10%
Notes: ATK = Wicktrace +45
Wicktrace III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 275
Melee pierce +6%, Magic evasion +15% A. attack chance, Crt dmg +12% Critical rate +30, 4 Elements
Melee to Fire +19% Melee to Water +19% Melee to Wind +19% Melee to Earth +19% Melee Pierce +6% Critical rate +30 Magic Evasion +15% Critical damage +12% Autoskill Evasion +10% All damage R -10%
Notes: ATK = Wicktrace II +30
Xiphos [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 168
ASPD+20%, Critical rate +30 Hate rise -25%
ASPD +20% Hate Rise -25% Critical rate +30
Xiphos II [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 183
Hate rise -25%, Critical rate +30 Critical damage +5%, ASPD+20% Melee+5% to Neutral
ASPD +20% Hate Rise -25% Critical rate +30 Critical damage +5% Melee to Neutral +5%
Notes: ATK = Xiphos + 15
Xiphos III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 248
Hate rise -30%, Critical rate +30 Critical damage +7%, ASPD+30% Melee+7% to Neutral
ASPD +30% Hate Rise -30% Critical rate +30 Critical damage +7% Melee to Neutral +7%
Notes: ATK = Xiphos II +65
Xiphos IV [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 279
Hate rise -30%, Critical damage +11 Melee+10% to Neutral, Neutral R +10% ASPD+30%, Critical rate +30
ASPD +30% Hate Rise -30% Critical rate +30 Critical damage +11% Melee to Neutral +10% Neutral R +10%
Zenebel III [Throwing] 📷
ATK: 200
ASPD+10% ATK+8% STR+6 Magic evasion +8%, Hate rise -10% Twice attack chance
ASPD +10% ATK +8% STR +6 Magic Evasion +8% Hate Rise -10% Autoskill