Light Bead

Arla (Lv131)
Drop: Broken Sword, Blue Feather, Mythril, Light Bead
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Under Active
Kleven Corridor - See Map

Art Colon (Lv252)
Drop: Showy Bangle, Light Bead, Colon Sprout, Colon Dye
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Passive
Gennun Artificial Cave [Area 1] - See Map

Boxer Piton (Lv194)
Drop: Piton Hat, Broken Gauntlet, Onigiri, Light Bead
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Divine Tower [1] - See Map

Boxer Piton (Lv196)
Drop: Piton Hat, Broken Gauntlet, Onigiri, Light Bead
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Divine Tower [1] - See Map

Floral Mantis (Lv207)
Drop: Small Petal, Flower Nectar, Light Bead, Luludi
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Agano Pass - See Map

Floral Mantis (Lv208)
Drop: Small Petal, Flower Nectar, Light Bead, Luludi
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Agano Pass - See Map

Manitari (Lv241)
Drop: Carmo Hood, Light Bead, Soft Hide, Strange Fungus
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Yupihi Deep Forest - See Map

Pelta (Lv248)
Drop: ▲VIT+1, Light Bead, Strong Metal, Warped Shield
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Under Active
Heavy Armor Knight Fortress [Area 1] - See Map

Ratagne (Lv274)
Drop: Heavy Boots, Light Bead, Large Ember, Broken Wheel
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Passive
Zalms Plains - See Map

Ratagne (Lv275)
Drop: Heavy Boots, Light Bead, Large Ember, Broken Wheel
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Passive
Zalms Plains - See Map

Tagel (Lv170)
Drop: Strange Object, Vaccine (Poison), Light Bead, Toughness Ring
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Ifmolt Village - See Map

Art Colon (Lv253)
Drop: Showy Bangle, Light Bead, Colon Sprout, Colon Dye
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Passive
Gennun Artificial Cave [Area 2] - See Map

Pelta (Lv250)
Drop: ▲VIT+1, Light Bead, Strong Metal, Warped Shield
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Under Active
Heavy Armor Knight Fortress [Area 2] - See Map

Art Colon (Lv254)
Drop: Showy Bangle, Light Bead, Colon Sprout, Colon Dye
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Passive
Gennun Artificial Cave [Area 3] - See Map

Pony Fish (Lv329)
Drop: Thin Tail, Moist Mane, Light Bead, Tenacity Glove
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Passive
Riagro Town [3rd District] - See Map

Pony Fish (Lv331)
Drop: Thin Tail, Moist Mane, Light Bead, Tenacity Glove
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Aggr: Passive
Riagro Town [3rd District] - See Map

Heaven Gate Guard (Lv330)
Drop: Heavenly Armor Bit, Big Whetstone, Light Bead, Proof of Sentry
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Timoa Cloister [Gate] - See Map

Mimic (Lv48)
Drop: Fake Treasure, Long Tongue, Treasure Box, Light Bead
Attr: None
Weak: None
Aggr: Passive
The Eternity Maze Lv 1-50 [4] - See Map

Mimic (Lv50)
Drop: Fake Treasure, Long Tongue, Treasure Box, Light Bead
Attr: None
Weak: None
Aggr: Passive
The Eternity Maze Lv 1-50 [6] - See Map

Mimic (Lv50)
Drop: Fake Treasure, Long Tongue, Treasure Box, Light Bead
Attr: None
Weak: None
Aggr: Passive
The Eternity Maze Lv 1-50 [7] - See Map

Mimic (Lv57)
Drop: Fake Treasure, Long Tongue, Treasure Box, Light Bead
Attr: None
Weak: None
Aggr: Passive
The Eternity Maze Lv 1-50 [8] - See Map

Mimic (Lv292)
Drop: Fake Treasure, Long Tongue, Treasure Box, Light Bead
The Eternity Maze Lv 101-150 [126] - See Map

Mimic (Lv294)
Drop: Fake Treasure, Long Tongue, Treasure Box, Light Bead
The Eternity Maze Lv 101-150 [127] - See Map

Mimic (Lv296)
Drop: Fake Treasure, Long Tongue, Treasure Box, Light Bead
The Eternity Maze Lv 101-150 [128] - See Map

Mimic (Lv298)
Drop: Fake Treasure, Long Tongue, Treasure Box, Light Bead
The Eternity Maze Lv 101-150 [129] - See Map

Alnilam II [Bows]
1: Alnilam x1
2: Hihiirokane x1
3: Platinum Armor x2
4: Light Bead x12
Kreldan Church Street

Amulet+ [Canes]
1: Amulet x1
2: Light Bead x3
3: Stardust x1
4: Ether x2
Wibo City

Bishop Hat (Strengthened 1) [Additional]
1: Bishop Hat x1
2: Light Bead x10
3: Glossy Rockshard x2
4: Smooth Scale x20
Kreldan Church Street

Bishop Scepter [Canes]
1: Priest Staff x1
2: Light Bead x15
3: Light Crystal x4
4: Glowing Wing x30
Capital City Elban

Illusion Bow III [Bows]
1: Illusion Bow II x1
2: Light Bead x10
3: Shining Needle x50
4: Laster Horn x1
Mioreita Castle

Itiance (Strengthened 2) [Additional]
1: Itiance (Strengthened 1) x1
2: Angel Flannel x30
3: Goddess Feather x1
4: Light Bead x5
Aqruf Town

Saint Rod [Canes]
1: Light Bead x1
2: Gold Ornament x1
3: High Ent Splinter x10
Kreldan Church Street

Universe III [Canes]
1: Universe II x1
2: ◇Specia x1
3: Amethyst Knowledge x3
4: Light Bead x50
Rokoko City

Weiss (Strengthened 1) [Armor]
1: Weiss x1
2: High Mythril x3
3: Pretty Shell x20
4: Light Bead x20
Capital City Elban

Light Bead x1 [Ores]
Alchemy Lv106
1: Bead Fragment x1
2: White Gem x1
3: Spirit Shard x1
4: Guiding Light x1

◇DEX+1 x1 [Crystas]
Alchemy Lv34
1: Light Bead x1
2: Bead Fragment x5

Ether x1 [Collectibles]
Alchemy Lv82
1: Light Bead x5
2: Fallen Angel Tear x5
Success A: Ether x1
Success B: Ether x2

Light Ring x1 [Special]
Chasing Lv85
1: Platinum Ring x1
2: Light Bead x2
3: Lukia x1

Alloy Pentagram x1 [Special]
Chasing Lv119
1: Light Bead x3
2: Ether x1
3: Alloy Chain x1

Light Iron Claw x1 [Strengthening]
Smithing Lv162
1: Light Bead x1
2: Disposable Claw x1
3: White Carapace x2
4: Fragment of Light x4
Success A: Light Iron Claw x2
Success B: Light Iron Claw x3

Light Devil Necklace x1 [Special]
Chasing Lv165
1: Broken Necklace x1
2: Light Bead x1
3: Gold Dust x10
4: Magic Crystal x1


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